Dong Ting Chun Redmond
PHONE (425) 882-7311 |
ADDRESS7425 166th Ave NE c230, Redmond, WA 98052
PHONE (425) 882-7311 |
ADDRESS7425 166th Ave NE c230, Redmond, WA 98052
LocationEdmonds: Redmond:
22001 HW99, #400, Edmonds, WA 98026 7425 166th Ave NE, C230, Redmond, WA 98052 Cell: 425-616-5616 Cell: 425-882-7311 |
What Our Clients Are SayingReterned here again and tried some new dishes thi time than my stnadards. Overall a great experience again! Tasted all around were really full of good flavor. My son and wife relly liked noodle dish. I really lied the mashed eggplant dish, it goes well with rice. Again, Excellent!" |